Thursday, December 17, 2009

Link to article: Five Foods to Avoid Before Flying

My friend Bonnie found a great article that encompasses a lot of mistakes people usually make when traveling: eating and drinking the wrong things before flying.

Here's a link to the article from

The only thing I don't really agree with is #5 - EVERYTHING. I say that because eating nothing at all - especially before a long flight (or any flight, for that matter) - can make you feel worse. People with diabetes shouldn't necessarily fast before or during a flight, nor should anyone taking certain kinds of medication. I would say that, depending on the length of the flight and your personal medical circumstances, you might want to have a light meal or a snack before you fly. Check with your doctor about what is best for you given your health and medical needs rather than avoiding food and drink altogether.

For me personally, drinking carbonated drinks (or even alcoholic ones) before or during a flight is limited to one drink MAX before or during a flight. I try to stick to apple juice or orange juice if the flight is over three hours long, because I dislike using airplane restrooms, too. Sodas and coffee don't go over well with me for flights with a long duration. Too much information, I know.

Try to find a healthy dining alternative in the airport before you leave. They are out there, but you may have to look around.

Happy traveling!


  1. I totally have to agree with #2.
    Gas producing foods should absolutely be avoided if your sitting anywhere near me. LOL


  2. I've had two flights where I've been seating near a very gaseous person. They are horrible flights! It's not like the gasses can just escape through a window or something. Awful, awful, awful!


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