Thursday, June 25, 2009

Be careful out there! A few basic safety tips for you.

It may sound silly, but be cautious when you're in Vegas. There are people and things that will get you in Vegas if you're not careful!

Keep your money and your ID somewhere other than a back pants pocket. Putting money and other valuables in your back pocket makes it easy for pickpockets to get at and you won't even know it's missing.

Ladies, if you carry a purse...take a smaller one with a strap that goes across your body, or put your money and ID somewhere else on your person. And don't set your purse on the seat (or floor) next to you, for goodness sake!

Watch your chips at table games. Just because someone sitting or standing next to you (or behind you) seems nice, that doesn't mean they are. Craps is an especially vulnerable game because you lean in when you throw the dice, and your chips are sometimes exposed to passersby - or an unscrupulous player at the table.

Watch for distractions. If someone says, "I think you dropped something", don't lean down and pick it up, whatever it is! Instead, ask them if they could pick it up for you. (Be sure to thank them when they do it.) They could be trying to get your purse, your shopping bags, or even cash out your TITO ticket while you're leaning down. It happens all the time, so don't be a Vegas theft statistic.

Drink lots of water. This may sound really silly, but if you're planning on doing a lot of walking, you need to stay hydrated, especially if it's summer. You are in the desert, and there's very little humidity, so you lose water quickly. During July, August and September, temperatures could easily get into the 110's during the daytime hours. If you tend to drink a lot of alcohol, try to drink water after every one or two alcoholic drinks. Otherwise you could find yourself in your room - or the hospital - faster than your bankroll slips away. For this reason, I would suggest less walking during the daylight hours if the temperatures are above 105.

Wear comfortable shoes. Yes, I know those 3-inch heels look really good with that cute little outfit, but I'd really think of something a little more, um, practical for your walk down the Strip. If you're planning to be on your feet all day long, you really might want to consider a comfortable shoe (preferably without a heel) for most of your Vegas adventures. Save the cute heels for dinner at your hotel or a night of club-hopping - or at least spring for a cab if you're going to wear the foot torture. Long-time Vegas goers don't feel sorry for girls walking down the Strip with their shoes in their hands at 3 a.m. They just don't.

Don't forget sunblock! It may sound weird for a year-round warning, but you can get sunburned very quickly...and your lips will dry out super-fast if you don't watch it! The wind and sun can be especially harsh with the lower humidity. I would also recommend taking a nasal spray if you are prone to nosebleeds (that dang dry air again!), and a really good lotion to apply before you leave your hotel room in the morning. I'd even reapply that lotion before you go out at night just to stay comfortable.

Don't jaywalk across the Strip! Just because you think you can make it, or you do it where you live, stay in the crosswalks, please! Make sure you don't cross against the traffic lights, either. It's a good way to get killed, and it's illegal, no matter how many idiots you see doing it. If you get hit and survive, expect a ticket. In 2007, five people were killed trying to cross the Strip, and dozens more were injured in their attempts. Most of the Strip now has elevated bridges that you can access by escalator or elevator, and more are being built every year for your safety.

Basic safety - don't be a statistic in Vegas!

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