Sunday, August 11, 2013

Traveling - and Airplane Etiquette - Revisited

Once upon a time, about 2 1/2 years ago, I posted a list of airplane etiquette items on this blog for consideration - here's the original post: Be nice!

Webmistress Bonnie at LasVegas4Ever found an article titled "13 Things That Make You Public Enemy #1 On A Plane".  Here's a link to that article: 13 things...  There are a few things that kind of overlap my own list, but I agree with each and every one.

I have to say I especially agree with #10, and when it comes to clipping nails, that is someone I would NOT want to be seated next to!  What if their fingernail shrapnel flew into my drink?  Disgusting!

Just remember that you ARE in a public place, even it's a small and confined one.  Don't do stuff that would embarrass your mother.

1 comment:

  1. Hey admin, your blog's design is so cool and loving it. Your articles are so cool. Please continue this great work. Greets!!!

    Etiquette On An Airplane


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