Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Link to article: Types of Gamblers...what sort of gambler are YOU?

My dear, dear friend Bonnie found a link to an article on regarding the different types of gamblers and how to rate yourself as a gambler, from professional to casual or even (God help you) a degenerate gambler.

Welcome, degenerates!

Based on the criteria, I thought of myself as more of a 3 (casual social gambler), but with tendencies towards a 4 (serious social gambler) because Vegas itself is a serious source of entertainment to me.  Still, I felt I was more of a 3 than a 4 until someone pointed out that I DO publish a blog about Vegas.  Well...okay.  Maybe I'm more of a 4 than I thought.  Maybe I'm a 3.5.

So, where are YOU on the list?  Do you change at all?  I personally could never see myself becoming a compulsive gambler (which is 6 on the list), or even getting serious enough to become a "real" relief and escape gambler (5 on the list), but then I don't have any big problems to escape from.

What it really comes down to is this: I enjoy gambling in Vegas.  It's fun, I have fun with my friends, and I only hope to win some money.

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