Sunday, October 14, 2012

Top 5 "Must See" Las Vegas Strip Hotels - #1: Bellagio

Say you're going to Vegas sometime soon.  Say you don't know what you should do or where you should go when you don't have lots of time for sightseeing on your trip, and say you want to know what the five "must-see" Vegas hotels are RIGHT NOW.  Say you want my opinion on the matter.  You're in luck!  All those things have just come together.

If you're planning a trip to Las Vegas in the next 18 months, there are five Vegas Strip hotels that I think are definitely "must-see" because they are visually interesting, sometimes architecturally awe-inspiring, have tons of fun things to see and do, or are just plain cool to be in.  With no new hotels actively under construction ON the Las Vegas Strip, here's what you should go see, and why.

(Note:  This is the first of five postings.  Why?  Because I like words and photos, and there's lots of both to be had in my top 5 choices.)

#1 - Bellagio

Bellagio's conservatory view is lovely any time of year.

No matter what time of year it is, it's always beautiful in the Bellagio conservatory.  Why?  Because they change the theme 5 times a year:  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Chinese New Year.  Very little down time is experienced between the seasonal changeovers because the Bellagio staff wants you to be there, admiring everything and taking photos with your loved ones, or just taking photos you could make into your own personal postcards.
Probably my favorite Bellagio conservatory photo.

Not far away from the conservatory is the reception area, which has a great display of glass art by Dale Chiluly, in addition to more flowers following the seasonal theme.  (Hint: The glass isn't just up on the ceiling, either, although that's the most famous location; it's found throughout the casino and even in some of the restaurants.  Consider making it your own personal "Where's Wally?" game in an effort to try and find them all.)  I know I find a new Chiluly glass sculpture almost every time I'm in the place - not counting the art for sale in his shop right next door to the conservatory - and I've been in Bellagio dozens of times.
Up-close and personal...

Also near the conservatory and reception area is the Petrossian Bar, which Tess (played by the lovely Julia Roberts) famously walked past twice in Ocean's Eleven, but most memorably at the end of the movie while the pianist at the bar played "Clare de Lune" as she ran out to find Danny (played by the even lovelier George Clooney) and admit that she would wait for him to get out of prison.  Again.  *Sigh*  I have actually been walking past the bar when the pianist played "Clare de Lune", and I got goose bumps.  It was a weird coincidence that was pretty cool, actually.  Anyway, the Petrossian Bar serves a delicious English High Tea, which I enjoyed a few trips ago and reviewed here.  If you need an immediate visual, here's one for you:

Finger-lickin' good, I tell you.  It's something that shouldn't be missed.

Walk around the casino and plant yourself at a slot or table game for awhile and order a Peach Bellini, the casino's signature cocktail.  (Sadly, I don't have a photo of one right now, but I will add one as soon as I can!)

The Buffet at Bellagio is also a great lip-smacking reason to pay a visit to this hotel and casino.  The lines can get very long, and they have a seafood night every Friday, but if you visit during an off-peak time, like late breakfast before they change over to lunch, or late lunch before they change over to dinner, you'll find shorter lines as well as get what could amount to two buffets for the price of one for your efforts.  When I go by myself I especially like to do this because I only eat twice a day in Vegas, and I enjoy taking my time and people-watching while I eat.  I've been to this buffet 3 times, and my latest review can be found using this link: The Buffet.

If you love Chinese food, then you should definitely try the Jasmine Brunch Buffet.  Served only on Sundays in the Jasmine Chinese restaurant overlooking the Bellagio fountains, this buffet is absolutely fantastic and the view is unbeatable.  Shared with a group of friends, the buffet makes for a great way to spend a couple of hours, but be warned that the price is a bit steep:  $55 before drinks, tax and tip on my trip.  A link to my one-and-only Jasmine Brunch Buffet review is located here: Soooo good!  

But you can also look at this pretty setup:
How can you resist a buffet presented as nicely as this?

Or with a view as pretty as this?  I ask you, seriously.

What is the Bellagio hotel and casino without the view from the Las Vegas Strip?  Seeing the fountains as they 'perform', day or night, is a treat.  Add in songs that mean something to you, and the effect is even more complete.  I didn't visit Las Vegas until after Bellagio replaced The Dunes, but I can't imagine the Strip without its presence, day or night.
Quite the imposing structure, isn't it?

What am I missing here?  Oh, yeah: a nice, comfy room, I almost forgot.  They have since been remodeled, but I thoroughly enjoyed my room overlooking the beautiful pool area, anyway.  It was my first experience with turn-down service, and coming into a room to find chocolates on my pillow, a fluffy robe and slippers waiting at the corner of my bed, and soft jazz playing on the was sheer bliss.  Read my room review and see the photos I took of my one-night stay in a standard Bellagio room right here: Ahhhh...

I have never visited the Bellagio pool area, but I have admired it from several different vantage points:  near the Fine Art Museum (that's where one of the entrances is located), from a seat at the Bellagio Cafe', looking down from my bedroom window, and from the window-side seats next to the Jean-Phillipe Patisserie.  There's another reason to visit - yummy gelato AND a chocolate fountain!
My tiramisu gelato says:  "Eeeeeeeeat meeeeeee..."
Strawberry cheesecake or coconut gelato?  You decide!

There's white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate...

There are numerous other gorgeous (and sometimes expensive) restaurants to visit and a Cirque show to see, as well.  You might just need to plan on spending a few days inside the hotel just to experience it all.  If you get the chance, have an affordable lunch at Olives and sit on the patio for a wonderful Strip view:
Nothing wrong with this table, no siree...

Had enough yet?  Are you ready to visit?  Well, go on!  Book a trip!  Even if you're just spending a couple of hours in the casino, it will grow on you.  It grew on me.  Enjoy your trip!
See you there!

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