Sunday, June 26, 2011

Link to article: Video Poker Do's and Don'ts

From comes a good - albeit brief - article on the most basic video poker do's and don'ts for the beginning poker player.  Read these basic rules before you even think about playing in a casino for real money.

Friends often ask me HOW to pick a video poker game to play.  Where should they start?  I say to use the free online sites (like to practice before you even get to a casino.  If you don't know what you're doing, you'll end up losing money quickly, and the experience will not be a satisfactory one.  

Also, there are so many good tutorial video poker games for sale that will help you make the right choices for holding cards, and you can get a feel for the different types of games available.  Bob Dancer's selection of videos are especially good for this purpose.

If I had to give one piece of advice that's NOT included in the article, what would it be?  Never ask the gambler sitting next to you how to play a particular game.  Most serious video poker players find it offensive and annoying (it's just the way they are, don't ask me why).

Have fun and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see your work!! It’s really helpful for me.


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