Thursday, December 17, 2009

Link to article: Bellagio Conservatory's Christmas display is now open (video)

If you don't already know this, the Bellagio Conservatory is changed and decorated by the seasons, plus one: it is decorated for Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and the Chinese New Year.

Over the past couple of years they seem to have started re-using many of the same design elements in their decorations from season to season, but I'm a fan of recycling, so I don't mind at all. What I do mind is when they don't add enough elements in their designs, because Vegas is supposed to be over-the-top. More is better in this case, in my opinion.

The Las Vegas Sun just posted a video with an overview of Bellagio's Christmas display for 2009. Click the link to view some beautiful stuff, including a softly falling snowstorm:

I've seen the Spring, Summer, and Fall displays repeatedly, but never the Christmas or Chinese New Year displays. I'm going to have to make a point of making a wintry trip to Vegas to see them both someday!

Keep in mind when you visit the Bellagio Conservatory that they DO have a change-out period between seasons, so there's a chance that you may see a work in progress during your trip, or not be allowed in at all. Check out a Vegas website like, for an overview of when the current display will be up before your next trip to make sure you won't miss a thing:

Take your camera - lots of photographic opportunities!

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